17+ Best Exercises You Must Do to Increase Height

Is there any exercises that will increase your height? If you’re looking to add some inches to your frame.

This article will explain the best exercises to increase height, as well as the best nutritional practices for growing taller. Read on to find out what you can do to grow taller and taller, day by day.

Increasing height with calisthenics

Calisthenics, also known as bodyweight exercises, are a great way for kids to gain confidence in their abilities and give them something physical that they can be proud of.

While most parents know that calisthenics are important for a healthy lifestyle, few think about how they can increase height and also lose weight up to 15 pounds.

But there’s good news—with some simple changes to your kid’s calisthenics routine, you can increase his or her height with exercises .

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Natural ways to increase height

This is a very common query among young people. Natural methods are easy and uncomplicated. If you practice these exercises regularly, you can increase your height with 1-2 inches.

Here are some of them:

  • Drinking milk every day is one of them, as proteins present in milk are beneficial for growing taller.
  •  Lunges and squats make an excellent stretching exercise. You should try these three times a week for best results.
  •  Standing straight all day long exerts pressure on spine, making it short and inactive.
  • Make sure your diet includes milk, fruits, vegetables and nuts.
  • If you want to go the natural way, there is Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for you to try out as well.

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Exercises routine to Increase Height

* One should not exercises to increase height for more than 1 hour per day. If you have time, then you can exercise for more than one hour.

* Do not lift heavy weights. Heavy weights can damage your bones and muscles. Do weight training with light weights to increase the strength of your muscles and bones.

* Do aerobic exercises like running, jogging, skipping etc to increase the endurance of your body. The endurance of the body is very important for a healthy body and a healthy mind. If you are physically fit, then you will be mentally fit too!

* In addition to exercising, you can also do yoga to relax your body and mind. Yoga helps in rejuvenating the body and mind.

* Do not eat junk food! Junk food leads to weight gain which is increases belly fat and not good for height increasing purposes. You should have a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. These things are good for your health.

* If you are underweight then you can take herbal supplements like nubest tall, naturelo and bone growth maximizer to increase your weight naturally without putting on fat. These herbs are very effective in increasing the weight without putting on fat too much.

Yoga exercises to increase height

Yoga is considered one of the best exercises to increase height. Regular practice of yoga makes a person more flexible and supple.

Several yoga exercises are designed specifically to increase height of an individual. Yoga improves breathing patterns and blood circulation in every part of body, helping a person grow taller than before.

After giving a detailed description of the yoga exercises which help to increase height, we will now give the yoga asanas for increasing height.

1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

This is one of the most important asanas for increasing height. This asana has to be practiced daily by all and especially by those who want to increase their height.

This exercise is performed with great fervor and enthusiasm to increase the height. In this exercise, you have to stand straight with both your feet touching each other and then bend your body forward till your head touches the earth or floor.

Then lift yourself up again and then again bend down until your head touches the floor or earth and do this exercise 10 times or more if you can.

2. Utkata Konasana (The Powerful Angle Pose)

This is another exercise to increase height which can be practiced by both men and women.

This yoga asana is performed by standing erect with your legs apart, then bend your knees and place the palms of your hands on the ground, while you are facing the sky. Then slowly lift yourself up from the ground and stand erect again after some time.

3. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II)

In this exercise to increase height you have to stand straight with your arms stretched out in front of you and then slowly bend forward till your hands touch the floor or earth.

Then lift yourself up again and then bend down again until the hands touch the floor or earth and do this exercise 10 times or more if you can.

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4. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

This is an easy exercise to increase height which can be performed by all including children also without any problem.

In this asana you have to stand straight and then bend forward with your hands stretched out in front of you and finally touch the floor or earth with your head. Then lift yourself up again and do this exercise 10 times or more if you can.

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This exercise is also a good yoga postures to increase height which can be performed by both men and women.

In this asana you have to lie flat on your stomach, then raise up your upper body with the help of your arms, while at the same time keeping your legs on the ground. Then slowly raise yourself up from the ground and stand erect again after some time.

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6. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

This is another easy yoga asana for increasing height which can be performed by both men and women without any problem at all. In this asana you have to stand straight, then slowly bend down and touch the floor with your hands and head. Then raise yourself up again and do this exercise 10 times or more if you can.

7. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)

This is also a good yoga exercise to increase height which can be performed by both men and women without any problem at all.

In this asana you have to sit on the ground, then put your hands on the floor in front of you, bend your legs and then stretch them out to the sides, keeping your feet flat on the ground.

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8. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This is also a very easy yoga exercise to increase height which can be performed by both men and women without any problem at all.

In this asana you have to lie flat on your stomach, then raise yourself up with the help of your arms while at the same time keeping your legs on the ground and finally stand erect again after some time.

Exercises at home to increase height

In order to increase your height, you must make a conscious effort to do so. There are simple yet effective ways of exercises to increase height at home.

By exercising daily, you will be able to boost your overall health and attain a good height.

The following are some exercises that can help you to increase your height:

1. Lunge:

This exercise involves stretching your legs and is very effective to increase height your height.

In this exercise, you need to stand upright with your arms stretched out and hands clasped together behind your back.

You need to hold this position for about three minutes daily and then repeat it thrice daily (morning, noon and evening).

It is also important that you exhale while reaching forward as far as possible with each stretch. Do not strain when stretching forward rather use the power of your abdominal muscles while doing so.

If done correctly, this exercise will help in increasing the length of your legs by about 6 centimeters.

2. Leg Raises:

This is an exercise that will help in making your thighs and calves stronger, thereby increase your height.

You need to lie on the floor with your legs straight and hands clasped behind your head. You need to hold this position for about two minutes and then repeat it thrice daily (morning, noon and evening).

Do not strain while doing this rather use the power of your abdominal muscles while lifting your legs up. When done correctly, it will help in improving the length of your legs by about 6 centimeters.

3. Stretching:

This exercise is also very effective to increase height as well as flexibility of the body.

It involves stretching out all parts of the body in a very relaxed manner for about three minutes (morning, noon and evening).

When you do this exercise regularly, you will surely notice an improvement in your height within a span of three months’ time period.

4. Crunches:

If you want to increase the length of your legs and waist, then you should do crunches regularly. It also reduces back fat quickly.

You need to lie on the floor with your knees bent and hands clasped behind your head. Now you need to lift your head, chest, arms and legs in a single motion.

You should hold this position for about three minutes and repeat it thrice daily (morning, noon and evening). This exercise will make your body strong as well as flexible and It will help to increase the height of your body by about 6 centimeters.

5. One Leg Raises:

This exercise is great for people who are looking for a fast way to increase height without having to put in much effort.

It involves holding one leg straight up from the ground while keeping the other leg bent at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and then repeat it twice daily (morning and evening).

If done regularly, it will help in increasing height by about 5 centimeters within a span of a month.

6. Squats:

This is a great exercise for people who are looking to increase their height fast.

It involves squatting on the floor with your hands clasped behind your head and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Now, you need to stand up slowly and repeat the exercise for about 10 times in the morning and evening (twice daily). You should hold this position for about thirty seconds each time.

This exercise will help to increase height by about 2 centimeters within a span of two months.

7. Pushups:

This is another effective exercise that can increase height quickly.

It involves lying down on the floor and supporting yourself with your hands placed shoulder-width apart from each other with your palms facing downwards towards the ground.

Now, you need to lift your body by bending your elbows until they touch the ground while keeping a straight line between your shoulders and feet (i.e., no sagging or bending of the body). It also reduces chest fat very fast. Hold this position 30 seconds or what you want.

8. Dips:

Dips are very good for increasing height and you should do them regularly to get desired height in a short time period of few weeks only.

These exercises will strengthen your chest and triceps which are very important to increase height for achieving your goal of being taller than what you are now.

If you want to increase height, these exercises should be included in your workout routine because they are very simple and effective for increasing height.

You can achieve your goal of increasing height by doing these exercises if you want to achieve your goal of being taller than what you are now. You should do these exercises regularly to get desired height in a short time period of few weeks only.

9. Forward Spine Stretch:

In most of us, our back muscles are naturally shorter than those in our chest and front upper body.

This can lead to a compressed posture, which can make you look slouched over even if you’re not. To correct it, stretch your back by reaching forward with both arm and lowering your head toward it.

Keep your legs straight, If you have shoulder pain, prop them up on some furniture behind you. Hold for five seconds, then repeat two more times on each side (for a total of three stretches per side).

So these are some easy and simple ways of the best exercises to increase your height.

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