How To Earn Money From Instagram In India

Hello and hey, Bloggers as you know Instagram is one of the most popular apps today used by millions of people all around the globe so what if you could actually get paid by using it believe it or not in today’s blog I will be showing you the best way on How To Earn Money From Instagram In India.

But in order for this to work you need to be patient and read the blog I am basically focused on making financial blogs weekly that will help and teach you how to make money online on your comfort zone in your own house or by sitting anywhere. By using these methods you can easily Earn Money Online In India as Students.

Okay then let’s get started with first step that you need to take is to create your brand new Instagram account which you will then set up as a page and it can literally be a page about anything it can be related to animals.

For example so a cat, dog fan page or something it can be related to memes it can be related to sports, it literally does not make that much of a difference.

Because in this blog we won’t be promoting anything as an affiliate ,example I created an animal page as you can see now

what you need to do with this page is optimize it according to the niche it is in so set up a profile picture and a bio and that’s it your next step now is to come over to the next platform I will be showing you in this blog which is this website help you to find out How To Earn Money Online In India.

Now don’t just to go at that website right now because this is not the only platform I will be showing you today and using social trading alone won’t get you paid so keep reading for those of you who don’t know let me briefly explain what this site is about

It is a website  where you can buy and sell Instagram accounts. And what we will be doing here is selling our Instagram accounts don’t worry you don’t have to buy them now you might be thinking but if we are selling our Instagram account how can we do so if it doesn’t have any follower.

I got you covered as in this blog. I will literally tell you how to build an Instagram page with a couple 1,000 followers within minutes and then sell it to make a big profit. You will see the amount of money you will be able to make and trust me you’ll be amazed.

Also I won’t tell you to buy fake followers as that won’t work you will need real followers in order to be able to make money with this website in any case if you scroll down on this website you will be able to see how much many people are selling their  Instagram accounts


And just check this some of this account has 3,000 followers and it’s being sold for 130 dollar with just 3,000 followers you can sell this and earn over 100 with these accounts with more followers than that could easily be selling for 500 dollars.

Or so and some really big pages you can see being sold for one thousands of dollars.

So there’s huge potential here to make a lot of money and as you will now see it is very easy to do so so that’s it as you know we need followers in order to be able to sell our page and there are three ways to obtain them.

One is free and with the other two you have to invest a tiny bit of money into it but it is far more effective let me go ahead and show you the freeway

First what you will need to do is find different pages similar to your own

You will do that just by typing in hashtag and then your niche so if you’re in the sports niche type in hashtag sports or hashtag football and so on and so forth as you know I am in the animal niche so I typed in hashtag cats.


As you can see there as on you want to do this is because it will now show you posts from various people about cats why is this important well because the likes on set post the comments and the followers have said pages are all cat and animal lovers.

so chances are they will want to follow me as well for that to happen I just have to follow them and I will appear in their notifications.

The majority of them will follow me back because we know that they are already following a page that is quite similar to mine as well now what you can do is follow the people who liked the post and commented on it.

But the best way however is just to go over to the page in question click on the followers.

Here and just follow all these people and within like 20 minutes you will be following hundreds of people. And most of them will have followed you back by then this as you can see is a bit of a long process.

And a very important fact is that if you follow too many people too quickly Instagram will prevent you from doing so for like a few hours or something so it could potentially take a couple of days for you to rack up enough followers in order to be able to sell your page.

But as you’ve seen it does pay off big time and could result you in earning hundreds of dollars while not having to invest any money into it now in order for people to follow you you will need posts on your page the site that you will have to use for that is called

This site will allow you to download photos for absolutely free and use them however you want to with full rights so you won’t get taken down for copyright.

The alternative to this is just to use downloadgram and download the photos other people are uploading on Instagram and then credit them when you post a photo both of these options are good but I would recommend just using downloadgram

As it takes less effort since you don’t have to find good photos and you just download ones that other people are posting in any case this is the first and also free freeway to get followers for your page so you can then sell it.

The second way involves a website called on this site you can find people who run big pages on Instagram to promote your own page for a very small amount of money believe it or not this works like crazy.

Because if you have a page with like 50 000 followers and they promote you just 10 of people actually following you means you got 5000 followers in an instant.

Further more this page offers as you can see a lot of different categories and this is why I said in the beginning that it doesn’t matter what your page is about

You can see we have a pets and animal category here and here’s the best part you will easily find pages with one thousands of followers that will promote you for as little as five dollars this page called husky forevers has over 90000 followers and will promote us for a price of ten dollars.

If you remember the prices over on social media you will know that you just need a couple 1,000 followers in order to get paid over 100 books so this has huge potential and the amount of money you invest is crazy small to the amount of money you can earn and this is just one page in one category.

I found there are most likely others that offer an even better deal.

Now as I know some of you will say this is not a free way to do this but it can pay off big time in case you don’t have any money to invest into this you can build a page for free like I showed you previously and then sell it for like fifty dollars or one hundred dollars.

You will then want to create another page invest some of the money here to get promoted and then sell that same page for more money you can do this over and over again racking up a lot of money without investing a lot of work and you don’t have to pay any thing to make money

Whatsoever anyway the third and last way you can do this is by simply buying real followers and the best website for that is called If you don’t want to invest your money by promoting your Instagram account and you just need to get followers right away then viral race is perfect for you.

It will get you real followers quickly and for a cheap price in case whichever method you prefer one thing applies for all of them if you area beginner and don’t have any skills or have never made money online this is one of the easiest and best ways to do it period well that’s it in today’s blog.

So these are some unique ways on the topic of How To Earn Money From Instagram In India. By using these methods you can easily earn money online without any investment.

I am a Digital Marketer by profession and a Blogger by passion. I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you. Please give your support and love. Thanks for Visiting Our Site.

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